
Our Experts

Nathan Banke

Years with ConsuLab: Since June 2009
Passions: I am passionate about technology, learning and self-improvement, whether it's exploring the latest tech in EVs and autonomous vehicles, or exploring Artificial Intelligence models. I am also very passionate about skills competitions, from regionals to nationals in Canada, and all the way to WorldSkills. I enjoy simplifying technology to explain it and am skilled at getting abstract ideas down on paper.
Areas of expertise: I have a good general knowledge of vehicles and subsystems, with some specialization in diagnosis, electrical systems, and engine performance. I have just enough knowledge in heavy trucks and air brakes to be dangerous. I have a lot of experience organizing, judging and writing test projects for skills competitions. 
Something special or unique about you: I am frugal and like to fix most everything I can myself, whether it's my house, appliances, vehicles, or really anything at all. I prefer cycling over taking a car whenever I can. My passion for learning doesn’t stop at automotive, whether learning TIG welding, or enhancing my communication skills to better understand my children. All avenues of learning fascinate me. I read a lot of books and I’m always looking for recommendations! 

Nathan's upcoming events

Rick Martineau

Years of teaching: 25 years at SAIT and 7 with ConsuLab
Years with ConsuLab: Since September 2016
Passions: Learning new things especially about vehicles and sharing knowledge with others. Working on my project cars. Riding motorcycles.
Areas of expertise: Most of my teaching was in the GM ASEP program and I had to teach all areas of vehicle systems. I have a good general knowledge about vehicles and the subsystems. My favorite areas are engines, steering and suspension, electrical and HVAC.
Something special or unique about you: I am a collector without categorization. I don’t seek a particular type of item. I like gadgets, tools, toys etc.

Dick Krieger

Years of teaching:  51 years
Years with ConsuLab: Since August 2012
Passions:  To help people learn – To constantly keep learning myself
Areas of expertise: Technical writing – Electrical Systems - Oscilloscopes
Something special or unique about you: US Navy veteran. Served in repairing Polaris nuclear submarines at Holy Loch, Scotland. Currently serve on the American Legion Honor Guard in our community.

Dick's upcoming events

Al Santini

Years of teaching:  54 years
Years with ConsuLab: Since 2012
Passions:  Sailing, automotive electronics
Areas of expertise:  Automotive electronics, CAN Bus, Advanced Systems, Bi-Directional scanning
Something special or unique about you:  I try to give instructors something they can use in their next class.  Not especially theory oriented but information that is “Need To Know”  I have taught at all levels of education and always have the teaching of students in mind when training.

Al's upcoming events

Dave Giles

Years of teaching: 27 years
Years with ConsuLab: Since July 2023
Passions: Inovation, making things better, Sharing knowledge through products and teaching, travel and family
Areas of expertise: Automotive Technology, Electrification of transportation, Consulting and product development.

Dave's upcoming events

Jérôme Bergeron-Carpentier

Years of teaching: 2 years in a private college in Quebec City, 3 years with the Canadian Armed Forces 
Years with ConsuLab: Since August 2024
Passions: Road biking, running and I'm an active member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve.
Areas of expertise: Pedagogy, electrical and electronic notions, in-depth knowledge of the Ministère de l'éducation du Québec's 5298 auto mechanics program.

Jérôme's upcoming events

Anthony Langlois Sarasin

Years of experience in heavy duty mechanics: 15 years
Years with ConsuLab: Since January 2025
Passions: sharing my knowledge of mechanics, refining my learning, finding ways to popularise complex processes, riding motorcycles, working on my car modification projects.
Areas of expertise: Teaching, optimising working methods in heavy vehicle and construction machinery mechanics, specialising in diesel engines and hydraulics.

Something special or unique about you: As a very sensitive person, the opportunity to contribute to the professional fulfilment of students and apprentice mechanics in their career goals is very touching for me and gives me all the energy and motivation I need to persevere in my role as an educational specialist.