
Stand-Alone Heavy Vehicle HVAC Trainer - M2

The HV-101 Heavy Vehicle HVAC System is based on a Freightliner Business Class M2 commercial truck and has been specifically designed for the instruction of air conditioning systems used in heavy duty vehicles. The trainer is designed and constructed using brand new OEM components and has been engineered with respect to OEM design and function. The trainer is equipped with an electrical break out box providing easily accessible electrical test points for the HVAC control head. Clear sight glasses have been installed in the high side (liquid) and low side (suction vapor) lines at the H-Block TXV that allow students to observe the changes of state of the refrigerant.

Technical Details

Product code HV-101_052948

Educational Advantages

Accessibility of HVAC components is enhanced by not having the requirement of whole vehicles in the shop

Ability to insert faults creating real-world abnormal operating conditions for student diagnostic training

Trainer can have refrigerant recovered, evacuated and recharged using service equipment with trainers OEM service ports

A/C high and low side gauges and service port fittings for evacuation and recharge

All rotating components are covered with safety shields or guards to prevent injuries

Ability to operate a functional HVAC system in a classroom environment without needing exhaust extraction equipment


Fully functional original equipment HVAC system based on the Freightliner Business Class M2 commercial truck

Sanden A/C compressor, model 4314/ SD7H15

Using all new OEM components

Trainer is mounted on a heavy duty bench with casters (2- swivel w/brakes and 2- fixed)

Break Out Box for A/C control module with electrical test points sized for test equipment

High and Low Side clear sight glasses for student observation of refrigerant change of state

A/C Service Ports for high and low side

Additional High and Low Pressure Safety Control switches

Motor switch

Uses OEM TXV H-block valve

Electrical panic disconnect button

16 Electrical test points on A/C control module.

Lockable Manual Fault Box with four (4) faults.


2007 Freightliner Business Class M2


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All Products Truck and Heavy Equipment